Erth Barton
Erth was described as a Manor House in 1610. And there have been many Improvements to the original Bulding. This was recorded in a survey of Buildings in Cornwall in 1610.
Erth, did not have Fireplaces or Chimneys when it was first built according to the Inspection of the Building in 1610. Fires were first built on the floors and smoke went out open covered holes in the Roof. This Inspection also stated that the Building was the oldest in Cornwall. Even older that any of the Castles in Cornwall.
This Inspection also included that some of the walls were 36 to 42 inches thick.
If the 1610 Inspection of the Manor was right, it was older that Trematon Castle and had a history as a manor many years before it became Erth Barton in 1337 AD.
Beginning in Medieval Cornwall, large farms were known as Bartons. And are still known as Bartons. But, before then some farms were known as Manors, and the Owners Home was known as a Manor House.

And if the survey of Buildings in 1610 was right, The Manor would have had several different unknown Manor Names before it became, Erth Barton, in 1337 AD.

My name is Sammy Bond and I thank you for visiting my, Erth Barton , Web Page.  And hopefully the information will be beneficial for Bond decendants of Erth Barton.

I am very greatful for the Records that have been recorded by many, many, People that has made it possible for me to include this Information on this Web Page. And to the Persons that took the Pictures on the Web Page, Peter Bond and Steve Johnson.

The Link below is a Link to some of my other Web Sites that you may want to visit.

My best of reguards to every one.
Sammy Bond


After the Battle of Berwick, which was fought and won for King James III in 1333,  Henry de Erth became the Constable at Trematon.

And Goffery de Erth was awarded a Knights share of 1080 Acres and became the owner of , Erth Barton . This was recorded in British records in 1337. 

When Goffery de Erth died the next owner of, Erth Barton  , was Robert Bond who had married ths daughter Elizabeth de Erth.

It is thought Robert Bond was was the son of John bonde who also was recorded as owning Land nearby in Cornwall in 1337 also.

Robert Bond became the first known , Bond , owner of Erth Barton .

One son,
Richard Bond married Elizabeth Maynard of Irish decent and they became the 2nd Bond  owners of, Erth Barton  , after Robert Bond died.

And then a Bond decendant
Richard Bond became the 3rd Bond owner of Erth Barton. 

And, William Bond in 1529 was at Erth Barton .

Sir. Richard Bond was the owner of Erth Barton.

And in 1610, Erth Barton , was reported to be vacant, but the building was reported to be  in  moderate condition.

And then in 1630 William Bond was reported to be the owner of, Erth Barton .

A black and white Photo from the late 1800's show, Erth Barton, was again Vacant then. Small Bushes and wood Picket Fences around the Buildings were on this Photo of Erth Barton.

And , there skips in these records. Hopefully these records are correct, as they are the most official records for, Erth Barton, that I have been able to find.

If some of Information is incorrect for the , Erth Barton, Bond Families on my Web Page?
Then the Bond DNA results will eventually correct the mistakes.

After Robert Bond died, his son Richard Bond  who had married Elizabeth Maynard of Irish decent became the 2nd, Bond , owner of, Erth Barton .
The Bond DNA Results for, Richard Bond, are
Richard Bond, b.c.1395, Cornwall, England
Bond Family records show that both Robert Bond and Richard Bond had other sons that did not become owners of Erth Barton.

If any Bond Families that have these Family records decide to join the Bond DNA Project, then their Bond Family records can by verified. And any new Bond DNA results will expand the Bond Database for, Erth Barton  ,Bond Decendants. Or the Bond records for any other Bond Family.

I am aware that Bond DNA Results are beginning to confirm some decendants of other sons of Robert Bond besides Richard Bond who became the 2nd Bond owner of Erth Barton as the Family records indicate and one example is,

Denis Bond born 1588 of Lutton, England

But a lot of Bond Families are not aware of the Bond DNA Project. The cost is very low, and the Link below describes the Project including the current results, so I am including the Bond DNA Project Link below.

Bond DNA Project

This, Bond of Erth e Hole drawing was passed down to my own John Bond Family in the United States. and there are Bond DNA Results for this Family. These records are included  below as an example of how Bond DNA results can confirm Bond Family records.The Link is below. 
7906  16876  42550
John Bond born 1690 of Beaufort Co., North Carolina
The Bond DNA Project has now confirmed the records for the,  John Bond , Family on the Bond Heritage Link above are correct.