This is Aponguao Waterfall in the Grand Sabana.
This is the Yuruani River and Waterfall.
This is Delsi Villasmil standing by the Yuruani Waterfall.
This Stream in the, Grand Sabana of Venezuela, had no Bridges
Most of the Water in the, Grand Sabana of Venezuela, is
very pure. We did not bring any Water with us. We got all of our Water from the small Streams for 2 Weeks.
This is, Bonnie J Bond, looking at a Orchid. |

The, Grand Sabana of Veneuela, has Orchids also. |

The Southern Grand Roads close to the Border with Brazil
were very bad.
This is, Sammy Bond, taking a picture of a, Tepui, named
Kurun Tepui by the Pemom Indians. The Flat Top Mountians in the Grand Sabana are known as, Tepuies. or " Tepuis
Grand Sabana of Venezuela
Sammy Bond Web Sites Index
I have Sixty-Two full size, Grand Sabana, Pictures on Automatic Revolving Picture Slide Shows for you to see and
The Pictures Slide Shows Links are below,
This is Bonnie Bond standing at the top of Aponguao Waterfall.
This is, Sammy Bond, at Aponguao Waterfall in the Grand
Sabana. The bottom of this Waterfall was several hundred feet below where this Photo was took.
The, Pemon Indians, live in the Grand Sabana. This Village
is near to Aponguao Waterfall.
There are many, Tepuis, or " Tepuies " in the Grand Sabana
too. This is Roraima, Tepui, and another one of Tepuis in the Grand Sabana.
This is the Cama River and a Pemon Indian Home in the, Grand
Sabana, of Venezuela.
These Waterfalls looked
Red. The rocks are Jasper which is a near Gem Rock much harder than Glass.
Some of the roads in the ., Grand Sabana of Venezuela, are not very good. But the roads
will take you to some very pretty places.

There is some Gold in the, Grand Sabana of Venezuela, and
some Gold Mines. But this Road was too bad for us to get to the Gold Mines. We did not get to see the Mines.
The Pan American Hy. goes thru the , Grand Sabana of Venezuela, into Brazil. But after you turn off the Hy. The roads
are very poor, as you can see from the Photos.
This is, Randy Villasmil, Ricky Villasmil, Efrain, and Sammy
Bond, standing on the New Highway that runs thru the Grand Sabana into Brazil.