We give Rice bags to the, Aged, Widows, &
Poor , at Vembakkam.
We give Rice bags to a Handicaped Person.
We give Rice bags to the Poor.
Helping Widows & Handicaped. (1 Tim 5:5-10, Job 29:15,16) Jesus Christ says (Mat 5:13,Luke 6:35,36) “Do good
to others ,through the good deeds gain more friends and praise the lord. We do the gospel service & do good helps to the
poor people. We help poor Christian Widows , Aged People & Handicapped. We can help
provide food ,cloth and medical help for handicapped & sickness people. In our church ,we are having 35 (Widows, Aged) and 2 Handicapped. If you wish to help to those people, please correspond to us. We will send the
reports to you. (James 1: 27)